08-06-2024 10:24:14 Agent AIYER Plus #1 changed the status of the conversation #7 to archived 15-06-2024 15:06:15 Agent AIYER Plus #1 updated the user details of the user #2 15-06-2024 15:08:14 Agent AIYER Plus #1 updated the user details of the user #50 15-06-2024 15:09:01 Agent Botayer #1 updated the user details of the user #1 17-06-2024 20:53:33 Agent Botayer #2 sent the message #17 in the conversation #19 17-06-2024 20:54:29 Agent Botayer #1 changed the status of the conversation #19 to deleted 17-06-2024 20:56:05 Agent Botayer #1 Agent Botayer #1 deleted the user #104 17-06-2024 20:56:05 Agent Botayer #1 Agent Botayer #1 deleted the user #103 17-06-2024 20:56:05 Agent Botayer #1 Agent Botayer #1 deleted the user #102 17-06-2024 20:56:05 Agent Botayer #1 Agent Botayer #1 deleted the user #101 17-06-2024 20:56:05 Agent Botayer #1 Agent Botayer #1 deleted the user #100 17-06-2024 20:56:05 Agent Botayer #1 Agent Botayer #1 deleted the user #99 17-06-2024 20:56:05 Agent Botayer #1 Agent Botayer #1 deleted the user #98 17-06-2024 20:56:05 Agent Botayer #1 Agent Botayer #1 deleted the user #97 17-06-2024 20:59:13 Agent Botayer #1 sent the message #19 in the conversation #23 17-06-2024 20:59:48 Agent Botayer #1 changed the status of the conversation #23 to deleted